

来源:证券之星中国新闻报道作者:宋元明清发布时间:2023-04-08 13:29



这封信前面是在讲橄榄球相关的东西,我们略过不看,来看一下 jeff raikes 对微软生意的介绍:

while many people would see our business as complicated or hard to understand, i am absolutely convinced an astute investor can learn our business in only 3 to 4 hours . (虽然许多人认为我们的业务复杂或难以理解,但我完全相信一个精明的投资者可以在只有3到4个小时的时间内学习我们的业务(如果bill gates解释的话,可能还不到两个小时)!)

in some respects i see the business characteristics of coca cola or see’s candy as being very similar to microsoft. i think you would love the simplicity of the operating system business. e.g. in fy96 there were 50 million pc’s sold in the world, and about 80% of them were licensed for a microsoft operating system. although i would never write down the analogy of a “toll bridge”, people outside our company might describe this business in that way. those 40 million licenses averaged about $45 per for a total of about $1.88 in revenue. by the way, the remaining 1om pc’s were largely running microsoft operating systems we didn’t get paid for them. this problem – piracy – if reduced, is one of the key upsides to our business.

in fy2000, there will be about 100m pc’s sold. we think we can reduce piracy to 10% and license 90% or 90m of the pc’s. but we also have pricing discretion – i think l heard this term used in conjunction with your pricing decisions on see’s candy. we will be transitioning the world to a new version of our operating system, windows nt. today, we get more than $100 per system for nt, but only on a small percentage of the pc’s. but nt will be on closer to 70% of the pc’s sold in fy2000. we can achieve average license revenue of $80. so 90m licenses at $80 per license totals about $7.2b, up from just under $2b in 3 to 4 years. and since there are effectively no cogs and a ww sales force of only 100·150 people this is a 90% margin business. there is an ramp;d charge to the business. but i’m sure the profits are probably as good as the syrup business!

there is actually upside in the number of pc’s sold. similar to your analysis of coca cola, the penetration of pc’s in international markets leaves a lol of room for growth. in the us, the number of pc’s per 1000 people is around 400 or so, but the number drops off rapidly lo 100 or less in most countries, even in some of the european countries.

the business described above is what we call the oem business, meaning our revenue comes from the manufacturers of the pc’s. the majority of the rest of the business is called the “finished goods” business. it consists of businesses or individuals buying office productivity software, educational or entertainment software, etc. again the structure is very simple. a pc is just a razor that needs blades, and we measure our revenue on the basis off per pc, in fy96, nearly 50m pc’s were purchased and microsoft averaged about $140 in software revenue per pc or $7b. this amount is in addition to the oem royalty business i described above. (上述业务是我们所谓的oem(原始设备制造商)业务,这意味着我们的收入来自于个人电脑制造商。大多数其他业务被称为“成品”业务。它包括购买办公生产力软件、教育或娱乐软件等的企业或个人。同样,结构非常简单。个人电脑只是一种需要刀片的剃须刀,我们根据每台个人电脑的基础来衡量我们的收入。在fy96,有近5000万台个人电脑被购买,微软每台个人电脑平均约有140美元的软件收入,或者说为70亿美元。这个数字是我上面描述的oem版税业务之外的。 )

so in some sense that is it. there are a certain number of pc’s that get sold, a growing amount of microsoft software per pc, the power to – use the brand to sell even more software, some pricing discretion, international market ,以及通过进一步减少盗版来增加收入的机会。显然,我不会在几个小时的会议中讨论所有细节,但这就是业务的核心。当然,还有研发投资用于构建软件,但这类似于迪士尼继续制作新内容,或者内布拉斯加家具商城继续保持其新鲜格式的投资,这也是比尔盖茨密切管理的投资。)

so i really don’t see our business as being significantly more difficult to understand than the other great businesses you’ve invested in. but there is one potential difference that worries me, and it is a key part of the reason i spent the time to share these thoughts with you. the difference i worry about is the “width of the moat. with coca cola, you can feel pretty confident that there won’t be a fast shift in user preferences away from drinking sodas, and in particular coke. in technology, we may more frequently see “paradigm shifts” where old leaders are displaced by new. graphical user interface replaces character user interface, the internet explodes, etc.

in the absence of a paradigm shift in technology, market shares seldom change by more than a few points. with a paradigm shift, the shares can rapidly change by dozens of points. i spent my first ten years at microsoft building microsoft office. we were way behind in share most of that time . but the shift to graphical user interface was the paradigm shift that allowed us to displace the old leaders (lotus 1-2-3 and wordperfect) and now be at 90% share. of course, key to this shift in share. was their failure to identify the computing paradigm shift and properly invest in it. they were the leaders and they could have chosen to cannibalize themselves. but they didn’t act fast enough and were scared that investing in the new paradigm would open the door for us – ironically it was their slow pace that opened the door. 在技术没有发生范式转换的情况下,市场份额很少会改变超过几个点。但在范式转换的情况下,份额可能迅速变化几十个点。我在微软的前十年里一直在建立微软办公室。我们的份额大部分时间都很低(不到10%)。但是图形用户界面的转变是范式转变,它使我们取代了旧的领导者(lotus 1-2-3和wordperfect),现在占有90%的份额。当然,这种份额转移的关键是他们没有识别计算范式转变并适当投资。他们是领导者,他们可以选择自我毁灭。但他们没有行动得足够快,害怕投资新范式会为我们打开大门-具有讽刺意味的是他们缓慢的步伐打开了大门。

总结一下,jeff raikes 对于微软生意的描述是非常清楚的。


oem 生意,即向个人pc的制造商收取windows 操作系统的费用。当时,windows 已经垄断了90%以上的市场份额,所以可以对每一台电脑收取过路费。




coke is now getting a royalty on swallows; probably 7.2 billion a day. if this average gulp is one ounce. i feel 100% sure that i know the odds of this continuing-again 100% as long as cola doesn’t cause cancer. bill has an even better royalty-one which i would never bet against but i don’t feel i am capable of assessing probabilities about, except to the extent that with a gun to my head and forced to make a guess, i would go with it rather than against. but to calibrate whether my certainty is 80% or 55%, say. for a 20-year run would be folly. if i had to make such decisions, i would do my best but i prefer to structure investing as a no-called-strikes game and just wait for the fat one. (可口可乐现在每天从每一口咽下去的饮料中获得版税,可能达到72亿美元。如果这个平均吞咽量是一盎司,我有 100% 的把握(也许是错误的)认为这种情况会持续下去——只要可乐不会引起癌症。比尔有一个更好的使用权,我永远不会打赌反对它,但我不认为自己能够对概率进行评估,除非在被逼无奈、被指着枪膛必须猜测的情况下,我会选择赞同它而不是反对它。但要衡量我的确信度是 80% 还是 55%,例如为期 20 年的周期,那就是愚蠢的。如果我必须做出这样的决定,我会尽力而为,但我更喜欢将投资变成永不出局的无风险游戏,并等待好的机会。)

i watched ted williams on cable the other day and he referred to a book called the science of hitting which i then ran down. it has a drawing of the batters box in it that he had referred to on the show with lots of little squares in it, all parts of the strike zone. in his favourites spot, the box showed .400 reflecting what he felt he would hit if he only swung at pitches in that area. low and outsized, but still in the strike zone, he got down to .260. of course, if he had two strikes on him, he was going to swing at that .260 pitch but otherwise he waited for one in the “happy zone” as he put it. i think the same approach makes sense in investing.

your happy zone, because of the business experience you have had, what you see every day, your natural talents, etc. is going to be different than mine. i am sure, moreover that you can hit balls better in my happy zone than l can in yours just because they are fatter pitches in general.



巴菲特说,“i prefer to structure investing as a no-called-strikes game and just wait for the fat one”,他希望把投资变成一个永不出局的游戏,永远等待那个非常确定的击球机会。





上一篇: 有温度、更懂你的智能座舱,传祺m8宗师获中国汽车风云盛典“最佳智联车”大
